Get ready to enjoy a strange and rare view of the night sky today on Tuesday. which has never been seen before. Know what this scene is?

28 march 2023

On March 28, 2023, five planets will be visible in the night sky in direct line with the Moon.

5 Planets Alignment

These are the five planets that will be visible tonight - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus.

Five Planets Alignment

You know, three days before March 28th, a similar scene was seen.

5 Planets Alignment

Those of you who are missing out will definitely watch it today.

5 Planets Alignment

Today's view of 5 planets' alignment on 28 will be more amazing than Friday's.

5 Planets Alignment

On March 28, Tuesday, five planets will be seen together at night, which can be seen by the naked eye.

5 Planets Alignment

No need for binoculars or any other telescope to see this scene.

5 Planets Alignment

But in all the regions where the sky is not clear and the clouds are frozen, it may be a little difficult to see this scene.

5 Planets Alignment

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